Configuring Invitation Settings

This step describes how to define Invitation Settings for requesting consent from customer IT administrators using the token-based authentication mechanism (SeeGrant Consent using only Token-based Authentication) to connect to their Microsoft 365 platform. The Invitation Settings define the template email that is sent to the customer administrator including the customer’s name defined in the Onboarding wizard, the name of the Service Provider operator tenant who added the customer and the Invitation URL. This URL includes the subdomain name that was defined in Register End Customer Tenant DNS Sub domains. Once the invitations have been sent to the customer IT administrator, the outgoing request details can be viewed in the Customer Invitations screen in the Multitenant portal (see Pending Invitations).

Do the following:
1. Login to the Multitenant portal with Windows UMP Service account created in Creating UMP Service Account.
2. In the Multitenant portal Navigation pane, open the Invitation page (Configuration > UMP > Email > Invitation).

3. Enter the following details:
Invitation Subject: Edit the email invitation.
Invitation Email: Edit the email content
Invitation Subject and Invitation Email include the follow place holders
{{CustomerId}} – The CustomerID, Unique per Customer Name (from onboarding new customer flow)
{{CustomerAuthenticationPortalUrl}}/{{InvitationId}} – unique invitation (Customer Authentication Portal Url / InvitationId)
4. In the Customer Authentication portal URL field define a public Portal URL for the provider.

For Example:

The value should be the DNS A record for domain that was created in Creating A Records for SBC Devices. For example, to a Public IP (LiveCloud – IP address).

See example email below.

Dear Administrator of {{CustomerId}},
We at Finebak welcome you to join our “AudioCodes Live Cloud for Microsoft Teams for Service Providers".
Please activate your tenant by connecting to the link below and authenticate with your M365 UC Administrator account:
Please Note:
•  UC admin role requirements:
   o  Application Administrator
   o  Skype for Business Admin
   o  Teams Communications Administrator
The Authentication process will run against your Microsoft M365 Tenant, we will not know or save your password.
Revoke Token Authentication: you are able to revoke the authentication at any time. Revoking the authentication will stop the service.
Thank you and best regards,
Finebak Support Team
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